Know something about the vision you ignore.

Postponing what is inevitable has been a challenge to me since 2012: There are moments I knew what to do, how to do it and when to do it but instead opted not to do it. Why? I had a tendency of comparing my present situation especially financially with a great idea that is in my mind. I would usually say to myself, “Simon, according to the list of things you must do now – you can’t afford to add on this one. Remember, you have to pay your creditors, you need to finish up that house, you need to buy these books, you need to pay for this conference – hey, you need to go out and have fun and you need to keep yourself happy. So, think, do you think you need not to do all these things for this? You can always do it next time”

In that moment between me and my soul – we both kept on postponing our purpose thinking of doing it in the future. But one day last year in Dec 2014 after eating a mangoes with my mentor who happens to be my spiritual father– as I was collecting the leftovers to be thrown in the bin, he said – “do you see that mango seed?” I said, YES! He continued, “The future of that seed is within that seed itself. I went into silence: the he continued – “whatever that seed needs to become a mango tree – is within it.”

I thought for a moment and then asked, “What do you mean by that?” He then told me, “Stop comparing your current situation with God’s dreams and visions He has put in you.” He continued: “whatever you need to become the person God created you to be was put inside of you – It is simply trapped within you. You must begin today and now, with what you have, the way you’re and do something. That is the only way you can know whether you can or not – but don’t judge your power by what you hold today.”

As a result of that simple conversation – my life changed. I started thinking of this vision that I had always thought of, felt and even seen whenever I closed my eyes – but always pushed in the future. Till that time, I had not learned that I was already in my future – and it was just trapped within me. But what had always stopped me was, thinking that I had no enough power, finances to do it and that, I had lots of things to do: and that this vision could always be done anytime.

I believe, a lot of people are like me – they too think, they have a lot to handle and do today: sometimes they feel, this vision of a beautiful family, writing a book and influencing the world using their gifts – is impossible compared to their current situation. Many are still trapped within their jobs and these small privileges – they have refused to start on their dreams because of fear to lose their jobs; and also fear to subject themselves to stress of fulfilling something.

I am here to tell you, “Stop comparing your current situation with that vision God has placed in your mind.” If He did that especially now – it means He has already created an environment for you to begin and finish it. My spiritual father told me, “Whatever God puts in your mind as a vision, He has finished it. He always tells me that God always first prepares the environment for something before releasing it – he says, before he created the fish, he made the waters first; before the birds – He put the skies; before the plants – He put the earth. And so, before giving you that vision – He finished it first.”

Kindly, get from me – Stand up and do something; where you’re, with what you have and the way you’re. You’ll finally come to believe like me that, things are possible. The only thing that limits us – are the thoughts we give platform in our minds every day. Change your thinking – change your life and that of others who believe in you.

